Friday 10 March 2017

New Trends in Hotel Interior Designing

Hotel interior designing

Hotels of today have clearly adapted to the social changes of the changing times. We can clearly see the signs of evolution in terms of hotel interior designing which are directly proportional to the needs of commuters. Starting from rearranging guestroom configurations to more personalized experience, to making spacious lobbies which are more welcoming in nature, there has indeed been a shift in the way one presumes a hotel to be. We aren’t sure if you have noticed these peculiar interior designing features, but here are the highlights of some of the newest twists in the hospitality industry.

1.    Lobbies envisioned as dynamic multi-use spaces
There is an increasing demand of spacious lobbies with over the top interior designs and wide range of facilities. Social encounters are totally dependent on this particular hotel area. Gone are the days of simple sofa with a coffee table. As majority of bookings comprises of business class people, the need of wide range of facilities such as multiple charging plugs for various devices including laptops and phones of all kinds has increased by leaps and bounds. Having an extravagant entrance with huge walls is one of the major traits of any hotels of today.

2.    Rethinking guestroom configurations
Hotel interior designing is no more a simple work. Ones expectations towards hotel rooms have changed dramatically. No longer does one get impressed by the regular arrangement of bed, table and locker. Everyone is looking forward towards the surprises which are in store for them. Extravagant rooms with huge TV panels, dining area and an extra sofa besides the bed are some of the key ingredients that make up for an impressive trendy hotel room.

3.    Spa-like Bathroom
Ones perception towards bathrooms has changed dramatically. No longer does one perceive bathroom as an auxiliary room which has to be limited in order to exceed the living area. A resort like spa coupled with a bath tub is what a modern day luxury hotel bathroom is expected to have. Extravagant interiors are something that makes a hotel likable.

4.    Ultimate dining experience
There are examples of restaurants which have been turned into a memorable dining place simply by giving a particular theme to their interiors. Themes are highly recommended in pushing the envelope of creativity to new heights. These alone can help turn each venue into a destination in itself. Like they say cooking is an art and so should be the exhibition space.

We are sure that each and every one of you might have very well noticed the above traits and are definitely having high expectations towards the hotels that they are planning to stay at next time when they are on a business or leisure trip. 

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